Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog post #11 Random Sample

In Random Sample, the point T.P. Caravan was trying to portray is that humans get everything handed to them. Us as beings seem to only try really hard unless your getting something out of it. It seemed as though the little girl in to story only tries unless she got a piece of candy. I feel this is supposed to show that humans are very greedy. From when her and her brother johnny were killing the ants, they had no feelings for them. They didn't care about the life they were living, they just liked to watch what happened when they would do certain evil things to them. They didn't care at all about anything but themselves. When the spaceship came down they treated them with disrespect as well. It seemed like anything that was different from them didn't have any feelings or nerves. When the aliens were giving her a test, it seemed like they were testing her on her violence. When she took the books and started to hit them, that just proved a point that us as humans are selfish. But in the end, when everything is hot and the little girl is upset. Its almost like the boy who cried wolf. She begged and whined, but when she was in trouble like the ants were, she expected for everyone to help her and bow down to her. This story went well with The King of the Beasts. Creating species that will be sure to survive is a good idea but it is unfair to all the other species. Humans using selfishness to help their own personal success. It was ironic when the biologist was reporting creating a man, just like an animal. How can you both be the same species yet one can treat another a different way. It goes along with the xenophobia unit. We are all so afraid of things being different from us, we try to protect ourselves before anything happens by caging things up and creating clones to we can manipulate them to think, act and feel the way we want them to feel. Our world is so focused on creating something better we don't ever understand that we have a variety of living beings around us that we could correspond with but no, we always want whats different. The grass is always greener on the other side. But really its not. It can be green on this side if you look at from a different perspective.

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