Friday, May 11, 2012

Blog #21 Time Machine

I enjoyed this movie because i had seen the new version of the Time Machine. It was cool to compare both ideas from the story. I liked this one that we saw but it was nice that the technology had grown since this movie. I felt that most of the parts were very corny and that's what i don't like about movies. I thought it was a good movie to end the year with because i felt it tied everything together. I think that it had a little  bit of each idea that we talked about this semester. I liked that he could travel back and forth between times because usually you cant go back in time according to Stephan Hawkings theory. It was a good movie though.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I thought the most interesting thing we went over this semester was the xenophobia unit. I felt that it was the topic that really related to our society today. Things make more sense to me when they are related to real life. I think that robots are something that is becoming bigger and bigger in our world and this unit helped me think about if its a good thing or bad. In this class I realized how many types of science fiction there is. It was cool to see all the different perspectives that we read about. I liked reading different perceptions that people have of their own science fiction through creativity. That helped me a lot to write the blogs because the things we read were very creative. I also enjoyed the projects that we were told to create. I like that we got to use our own creativity to put them together. It was fun to imagine the types of things that science fiction can create. My funnest project was the one where we created a logo for the escape rout in case we got invaded by aliens. We were able to imagine something that could relate to us in this time and age. I'm an artistic person and the projects that involve markers or crayons is right up my ally. Overall this was one of my favorite classes because it was about things i was interested. All the movies intrigued me and i felt that we learned the background material well enough to understand the logistics of the movies. I thought it was cool to take a look at different time periods of the genera from different authors. I definitely recommend this class to be taken because its a different view of writing than any other English class. One i will for sure remember.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog#19 The City on the Edge and Time travel

In the City on the Edge of Forever and the article by Carol Sagan they both ponder the ideas of time travel and the parallel effects that happen during the time travel. In the movie it told ways that going back in time could disrupt the future greatly. It relates back the the "grandfather effect" in the article and how if you could go back in time and kill your grandfather, you therefore wouldn't ever be existed even though you killed him. In the movie, Edith had two paths in like they found out that she had. Be killed by a car, or live on to become wealthy and start a peace movement that happens to cause a catastrophe that costs many innocent lives. When McCoy jumped back into time, he disrupted the natural laws of letting things happen on its own. If McCoy never entered the time machine at that moment then Edith would have died the way she did and there would be no peace rally or Innocent deaths besides her. But when McCoy jumps back, he disrupts the future but for him still the past. I feel that if time travel was possible, that would be a very big problem happening. Us going back in time could cause our own existence to change dramatically. Disrupting the natural laws of life would therefore change the idea that you could go back and live a completely different life. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. I feel that if you disrupt the natural laws of time and age then things will start to fall apart on us. Time travel is a cool idea, but i think that us as humans defying laws of physics could cause us to loose sense of real time and ideas of the future. How can you look forward to the future when your only focusing on the past. I feel that's the beauty of life, is you life for the moment because there is no going back. Life is precious for a reason and i feel that people would change extreame if they knew that they could go back or forward many years. People are here now, living in this time for a reason and a purpose. If we change the time we are here, then our reasons would change therefore changing the fact that everything happens for a reason. I like the idea of time travel, but this technology could cause some major disruption in the universe. I feel that things like time travel should just be meant for our entertainment in the writings of Science Fiction.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog #17 Star Treck I Borg

In this star treck episode there was many things that caught my attention having to do with the Frankenstein Complex. To begin, Borg who was rescued from a crash site on his planet didnt really know who he was. I feel that the people on the star treck ship took him in because he was dying and were interested in his complexity. Even though borg was not like the others, they taught him the way of human and how to find yourself. In the beginning when borg was recovering it was a good time for him to understand himself and find friends. It seemed though it was a sort of experiment for the people on the ship to bring him back to health. It seemed crazy though that at the end the captian didnt think he was human or could have emotion even though he did. I think that it would have been selfish to kill his kind when they just helped him find who he was. It was good at the end that they gave him a choice oh his future and helped him understand what a choice is. It makes me sad that he got his memory eraced once he got back to his planet because what he went through made him understand a lot about his life and how he was living. It would have been nice to see him keep his memory and carry on the information to his species. I understand that there was a fear of Borg, that he may alter the peace with humans. He could always go crazy and cause harm to humans and thats a fear that we put into our brain when we see something other than our kind. I feel like Borg had just as much fear that the humans would do something to him than him turning on them. He even brought up that there was only one of him and many humans on that ship. He had the capability to understand his boundaries and his strength against the humans. I only got a chance to see half of this film, but the parts that i did made me understand how lucky we are to feel emotion and go through the things we do, because we could have that taken away sooner than we think.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog #16 Reason

I think that this story really is a idea of what could happen to robots if we keep building them smarter than humans. We cant expect to create something and have them not ask questions about their existence. But this situation is how i see a situation actually happen. It is very intellectual to figure out that if you are stronger and smarter than your creator, then your creator must be smarter and stronger than you. That would be my logic if I was created for the use of humans because they couldn't do it anymore. If I was created to know that i am stronger then humans, that's how i would live my life. Walking with superiority and thinking that you are the greatest creation. It is scary to think that if we do create such beings that are greater than us, they will become a sort of cult that knows they are greater than humans. What if we create these robots and they didn't believe the same logic of existence as us humans do. They could create their own race with their own religion and that would cause much destruction on Earth. I think that it is good that they let QT keep going on with his religion because it seemed like he wouldn't get over his logic of why he was created. It also surprised me that they were making the robots to take over the control of humans on the ship. We then have no reason to complain if they rebel against our word because we have put into their head that they are the smarter being. They are here to do the things that humans cant do anymore. They have nothing else but to think that they are the smarter being and there must have been some great master above them other than humans. I don't have a problem with creating robots to help us with certain things but we cant expect to not have these reprocutions along with their creation. The more questions they have, the more curiosity they have of what else is in the world. That causes more conflicts than we are known to handle. I don't know if its all worth it in the end. For all Powell knows, QT could create a great cult to come down to Earth and become the greater being destroying others because they are then smarter than the rules they were created by.

Blog#14 Epicac,Mimicry, and Eyebem

In these three stories we read i seemed to see a theme throughout all of them. All of the robots in the stories carried characteristics just like humans. It seemed as though this was the reasoning behind the downfall of these robots. The more the robots knew about human life and emotions, the more they would realize that they could never be human or have the experiences of humans. To me i think that it is selfish for us humans to create beings that cant feel the same existence as us. If they do, there is a possibility for rebellion due to the fact of wanting to be human and go through the things that humans do. We create beings for our own benefit, and make them do the things that we want them to do. But what happens when we don't give them the ability to do the things that they want to do. Giving someone characteristics of humans and then telling them they cant be a human is corrupt in its own way. We can expect to create something and expect them to not have questions or desires on why they are here. There are no true answers they seem to be able to comprehend on why they were made other then to serve humans and not cause harm. If us humans now didn't have that guidance on why we are here and our purpose, there would be more problems in the world. What if you create a robot that doesn't want to do the things that you made them for. We then wouldn't want to get rid of it because we have grown this attachment to a technology. We shouldn't be making things for our own benefit that looks like humans. It just seems to cause more problems then not. Out of all three stories i thought that Mimicry was my favorite because i could see the frustration in the robots thoughts. Even though i thought it was wrong for the robot to turn all evil on Fen, they still gave her a good reason on being a human. If you were brought into this world seeing love and beauty and family not being able to feel any of it, would cause disruption in your thoughts. I bet it was hard for Mita to watch Fen be in love and have beauty and know that she would never be able to have that. I believe that goes back to her fathers fault for creating Mita to somewhat resemble Fen. In Mitas eyes she seemed like the better fit for the household all she needed was the human body that she desired. That to me is something that we need to think about before we go off creating robots with the same characteristics as humans.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog #15 Measure of a Man

In this episode of star trek, there were many things to do with Frankenstein Complex. To begin, DATA the robot of board was singled out by many to be questioned his rights. Just because he was a robot therefore meant that he did not have the right to choose whether he wanted to be tested on or not. To me I think it was good that he ended up having the choice because i feel that if there were multiple DATAs then our whole humanity could be whiped out. They showed the amount of strength that he had and that could cause chaos with society. Even though DATA was harmless, he could still feel emotions and desires. I think that if he learned how to feel that he could also learn how to feel anger and pain. Having those human characteristics could cause disturbance with the human race. The more emotions we put into a robot, then the more of a chance they will become the superior race. That's the thing that scares me, even though DATA seems very helpful, i dont understand when we as humans decided that we were incapable to do these things we are building them for. I am afraid that if we keep making these innovations that are destroying the need for humans, then eventually that will happen. We cant blame anyone but ourselves for the insignificance we have on the community now. We are the cause of our own self destruction, the robots wont be causing this, its us that is because we are the minds behind these robots. We have nothing to fear but ourselves and what we can create.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Blog #13 X-files

In this movie we saw many things to do with the Frankenstein Complex. The great M was made out to be this being that was raping women and filling Their house up with gas. But the truth was he was never truly shown what was right and wrong. Just like Frankenstein, he would cause harm but but didn't seem to know that what he was doing was wrong. I feel i would disobey if i had to live in a cellar and only eat peanut butter and jelly. The people in the town had a right to be angry but there was no reason to harm because it was the humans responsibility to teach someone right and wrong. The man who made the great M didn't realize the problems that came with creating a creature. I feel though that that was very irresponsible creating something and not giving it the knowledge of the real world. The great M didn't want to show his face in public but at the end he still knew how to converse and speak clearly. All he wanted to do was fit into society but the town didn't allow that. It also ties into our topic of xenophobia. Everyone was so afraid of how he looked that they just jump to conclusions about everything. When the man who created him was killed by the son, everyone blamed the great M because he looked different than others and didn't go out. No one realized what the great M was going through until it was too late and they accused him of something he didn't do.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Invasion of the body snatchers blog #12

In the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, there were many themes of xenophobia. It seemed as though in the beginning, everyone was so taken back by the epidemic that was coming across town. They were first looking at the people who thought that their mom wasn't their mom were going crazy. But in the end it was the normal people that were now different from the rest of the town. Everyone had to be the same and act the same. Once one person got their body snatched everyone else became immune to the idea that it was alright just because it would make them fit in. This film reminded me a lot of Monsters are due on Maple street. Once one person got the idea that something was wrong they all started to blame each other. No one takes the time to analyze the situation, they just jump to conclusions. But it seemed as though everyone got brainwashed even though they caused their own destruction. Throughout all our readings and books, people are so afraid of others and people or things that are out of the ordinary. But the true fact is that we are going to be the death of our self. Humans are their own worst enemy because we conform to things so easily. There is truly nothing to be afraid of but our self. I would say though that invasion of the body snatchers was just a science fiction movie. It could never happen, yet it made it seem like it truly could happen because how easily we conform. I could see that easily happening in our world with a different situation, not involving growing duplicates from eggs. But if someone really wanted to change a town, they would be able to.

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Repent, Harlequin" Blog #6

I enjoyed reading this story, but I would not want our society to live that way. In a sense, we do life that way because everything revolves around time. We are always planning for the next thing to happen, always moving or anticipating something. This society they were living in didn't give them to opportunity to take a second to stop and smell the roses. Instead it that happened, they would get less time on their life to even think about roses. The whole routine of going to work at a certain time, or school, appointments, is all just the same thing different day. Why live your life always planning the next step you will take to get you somewhere on time. I don't want to be on my death bed wondering why I did the same thing all my life. No one wants to face the fact that we do have a clock on our life and we will never know when it will show up. Just like in to story, no one wanted to face to Ticktockman or say that to his face. Everyone knew he was there but they didn't want to have to face the fact that he had the ability to decide their fate. No one should have the ability to decide how long or short someone lives. But when Harlequin faces the Ticktockman, he proves to him that he doesn't have that ability. Because the clock was a little off and the Ticktockman was late, he wasn't going to have to pay to consequences because he knew he was in charge. Time should not punish you, it should give you life and joy. It shouldn't be something that's always there but just a distant thought for reference.

There Will Come Soft Rains Blog #4

There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury, I didn't really like it very much. I got that everything was ran by a clock and a schedule. But I didn't understand why this house was the only one left on the street. The dog was still alive and the house was filled with smells. I don't think there was enough information to figure out what happened before this house was the last one standing. But the part I did think about was how all that was left was the so called robot house. Something like that is man made and its messed up to think that that is exactly what could be left standing when were all gone. All that will be left are our electronics that we created and they will outlive humans. When you die all you have are your belongings and its all just stuff. We live our life to fill it up with wealth and such. But in the end none of it is worth anything. We go through routines everyday to get more stuff out of our life. But why? All that seemed worth it was the memories that seemed to be stuck in that house. But those will last forever. We should just be filling our mind up with memories instead of our houses with things. Because once that gets lit on fire, there is nothing left.

Blog post #11 Random Sample

In Random Sample, the point T.P. Caravan was trying to portray is that humans get everything handed to them. Us as beings seem to only try really hard unless your getting something out of it. It seemed as though the little girl in to story only tries unless she got a piece of candy. I feel this is supposed to show that humans are very greedy. From when her and her brother johnny were killing the ants, they had no feelings for them. They didn't care about the life they were living, they just liked to watch what happened when they would do certain evil things to them. They didn't care at all about anything but themselves. When the spaceship came down they treated them with disrespect as well. It seemed like anything that was different from them didn't have any feelings or nerves. When the aliens were giving her a test, it seemed like they were testing her on her violence. When she took the books and started to hit them, that just proved a point that us as humans are selfish. But in the end, when everything is hot and the little girl is upset. Its almost like the boy who cried wolf. She begged and whined, but when she was in trouble like the ants were, she expected for everyone to help her and bow down to her. This story went well with The King of the Beasts. Creating species that will be sure to survive is a good idea but it is unfair to all the other species. Humans using selfishness to help their own personal success. It was ironic when the biologist was reporting creating a man, just like an animal. How can you both be the same species yet one can treat another a different way. It goes along with the xenophobia unit. We are all so afraid of things being different from us, we try to protect ourselves before anything happens by caging things up and creating clones to we can manipulate them to think, act and feel the way we want them to feel. Our world is so focused on creating something better we don't ever understand that we have a variety of living beings around us that we could correspond with but no, we always want whats different. The grass is always greener on the other side. But really its not. It can be green on this side if you look at from a different perspective.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Planet of the Apes blog post 10

In Planet of the Apes there was a lot of xenophobia that went on during the film. To begin when the space travelers first landed, they saw some sort of scar crow that were lined along the mountains. This makes me think that they are trying to scare some sort of creature away. Something that the apes didn't want to encounter. When Taylor got captured, they treated him like an animal. Even when he started to show signs of intelligence, they shunned him away thinking that he was still dumb. It seemed like the apes became afraid of what humans would do to them because they knew that humans once walked the Earth far before them. The lead ape didn't want anything to do with these "animals" and thought they were born to kill. I also think there was some discrimination between apes as well. You could tell what apes were higher up and had the ability to give orders. Some seemed to just be a guard all their life. It was almost as if there were apes inside that didn't get treated fairly as well. Its unfair that where ever your born into, is the life that is chosen for you. The apes didn't seem like they had a decision for who would be the lead ape. He seemed as though he crowned himself that because he knew so much about humans. When he told Taylor that he knew about the humans, why would he then treat man still the way he did. Obviously the apes weren't as intelligent as man because they seemed to feel no remorse for torture either. They could spray man with fierce water and starve them without feeling a bit bad because that's how they were born. The only ape that seemed to show true feelings was the woman ape doctor. She cared about Taylor and what he had to say to them. She knew that there were more intellectual beings out there but her civilization wouldn't allow her to study that topic more into detail. I feel that there really wasn't any hope for the ape civilization because without being able to learn the history of their planet. Things don't make sense. You cant live in a society that restricts you from expanding your knowledge and that's exactly what the apes were doing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ender's Game Final Chapters

I really did enjoy Ender's Game when I got to the end. I thought it was awesome that the whole solution all along was communication. People don't understand that fighting doesn't solve anything, you can see it in our world today, when Ender killed, and when Ender finally understood what the story was with the buggers. People are so quick to judge others, so we put up defence and hope that you are the greater being. But the truth is, everyone is just trying to survive in the place they were birthed. If everyone understood that no matter what kind of beings are out there, everything has a story . If the only way Earth was trying to communicate with the buggers was through violence, then of course the buggers are going to fight back. They wanted to survive just as much as the people on Earth. Ender understood that it shouldn't have been a race to be the best and defeat the buggers. Throughout Enders life he was manipulated to live a certain way and think a certain way. The school completely changed his approaches to situations. But many times Ender didn't like the way it made him, he seemed more angry and lonely than he ever felt when he was alone with Valentine. The school seemed to be a program made for people to figure out the survival of the fittest among young children. Those conditions are not meant for children. But through it all, Ender came out becoming the bigger person. He seemed to live a lot happier and healthier than Peter, who always seemed to be struggling to be on top his whole life. Through teasing Ender from the time he was a kid, as well as Valentine. He died knowing that he had made many mistakes though some good. Overall, the book was really good and I think that the ending was one of the best that I have had in my years of reading.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog Chapter 10-12

With Ender being commander I think it is hard for him to start to give orders to others and be the person he really didn't like in the beginning. Even though he tries to be their friend too he now has a leadership roll that he has to fulfill. He also realizes he is acting a lot like Gaff when he picks on Bean. He know Bean is good. But Ender being commander really shows his true leadership skills because when you have respect for your toons they have respect for you. Even though many other Army's are starting to not like him, they all know that he is something else. When Bonzo gets killed by Ender it seems to have promoted him to war. I feel they felt that he was able to kill and not feel any regret towards it even though Ender didn't know he killed either boys. That is what they look for in a leader is the task of taking control of the situation no matter what it in tails. Personally this book disturbers me in how young the kids are and how mean they treat them. The commanders of the school seem to use the kids as game pieces to find the strongest and weakest. It is true xenophobia at its best. The ones that don't live up to their standards end up just staying in one position and not going where they want to go.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Blog #9 Monsters are Due on Maple Street and Muse

In Monsters are due on Maple Street there was a lot of xenophobia. As soon as the word spread that one of the neighbors on the street could be an Alian, they all turned against another. The fact that one could be different from the rest of the crew meant everyone was afraid of everyone. The way they treated each other when they thought everyone was guilty was messed up. People that they had known for years they would turn on in a matter of seconds. But that was the aliens reasoning for coming to maple street. They knew that because of the fear of xenophobia that everyone would turn on each other and that's how they could take over the world. One maple street at a time. If everyone on the street didn't have a fear of something different then there wouldn't be any chaos on the street. The people were so quick to judge that it caused their own demise. We are our own worst enemy when it comes to xenophobia. If you have it you will be more septet to cause your own destruction than for someone who doesn't have xenophobia. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to different things or beings.

Muse: In the story muse it reminded me a lot of the world we live in now. When Leo had Icky on his back he felt like he could do anything. Icky gave him confidence especially with his music. When he wrote songs Icky would help him generate ideas and words that Leo didn't know how to say out loud. As the story went on it seemed as though Icky was more and more of a drug for Leo. He felt empty when Icky wasn't on him and he felt he couldn't be the musician he wanted to be when he wasn't there either. But for Leo's father, Icky was a problem for him. It seemed like his father planned an intervention for Leo to get Icky off. Just because Icky was different and helped Leo out, meant that that was wrong for the society to his father. He could not have the embarrassment from his son to have something like "it" on his back. But for Leo it was a different story. Without Icky in the end he seemed to go a little crazy. Icky was there for his support like no one else could. It was all in his head though. I think he could have easily composed his songs without Icky but he had it in his head that he couldn't do anything without Icky. I think that's why his father tried to help him because he wanted him to get used to being normal and creating things with his own head not Icky's.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Enders Game Blog #2

Throughout these chapters Ender finds himself realizing he is more and more like Peter. Even though Ender is not one to want pain on people he uses killing as a way to get through his adventures in his desk. Though Ender does not want to be like Peter, he realizes that Peter actually helped him. Ender doesn't want to show any tears or weakness and he believes Peter helped him become strong. Peter is also in the picture with Valentine. Their brains together are planning something. Valentine knows that Peter is strong and will do anything to get what he wants so she thinks its a good idea to work with him. Valentine is still in Enders head and I dont think that she is going away soon. Her celebrating Ender's 8th birthday proves she still misses him in ways that they told Ender wouldn't happen. Being away from his family really seems to get to Ender but when he battles that all seems to go away. Ender keeps showing he is a leader because he keeps proving his classmates wrong. They underestimate what he can do and when they see it, they seem to get off his back. I think that Ender shows great intelligence in these chapters. Being able to count doubles throughout his head to unheard of numbers, and figuring out how to get through situations in his game that were supposed to be impossible. The others see how smart he is and I think they will soon realize they want him as a leader. All of the students in the school seem to have xenophobia whenever someone new comes into the picture. They want to be mean and torment them especially Ender because they know he will soon surpass their intelligence. In all I think that in the end Ender getting a letter from his sister will help him in this mind game he is in. Having Valentine as a support system will get him though struggles he will have to come to.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Enders Game Blog Post #1

I really enjoyed the first couple chapters of Ender's Game. The life that they live really interests me about only having two kids and how the third was looked down upon. I thought it was interesting how they had signed Ender away from the time he was conceived. It seemed really unfair to the kids that have to go through this program. I think that the teachers in the book know that Ender is going to be someone that is going to make a big impact on their school. Especially when Ender gets called out for being the smartest and best. Even though the kids think that he knows everything and pick on him, the others will come to understand how Ender works and he really isn't set out to hurt anyone. In these chapters there was a lot of xenophobia. When it came to the school and who was picked xenophobia seemed to be a big impact. They didn't want anyone who couldn't hold their ground. It also seems that the take all the thirds in the family. Also Ender seems so different from his family and they know it. Ender is told that his presence is a disrupting to his family and how they life. I think that could be possible but they will miss him and see how much he has learned when they finally get to see him after all his training.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Forbidden Plantet Blog #7

I liked the Forbidden Planet and thought it was a good thing to show for science fiction. All the things like their spaceship and this planet that has Earth like attributes. Especially the doctors robot Robby. There was extrapolation when the Robby could just get a sample of a type of food and make it then any time he wanted. But throughout the movie I had a weird feeling about the doctor and what he was up to. I wondered why he first told the caption to not land on the planet but then he was quite welcoming when the ship mates went to the doctors house. I think that the doctor wants something out of them but I cant figure out what. I did enjoy the movie and wanted to see how it ended.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sales Pitch Blog #4

I liked how the ending kept you hanging with not knowing what one died. It seemed as though Morris thought that the fasrad was going to kill him. I think Morris just got fed up in general about all robots trying to replace everything, always selling them something and trying to get his attention. I think this has to do with science fiction because fasrad did a lot of things a normal human would do. He was also different than the rest of the robots in town. I didn't really like how the ending had Morris going a little crazy and drifting off into places i couldn't picture. It was hard to imagine what was going on. Fasrad seemed to be just the thing that pushed Morris over the edge.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Homelanding and Cause and Effect

In Homelanding, there were many things that had to do with science fiction. One paragraph that stood out to me was when she was talking about how they look and all the things that went into its description. But there was also things that could relate back to humans such as, " The things I eat include roots, berries, nuts, fruits, leaves, and the muscle tissue of various animals and fish." This also makes me think that these creatures are intelligent. This piece was a good intro to science fiction because I feel in science fiction there are many elements that make something that's not possible, possible. I enjoyed this piece and it put good images in my head. I could picture everything that Margret was trying to portray. In Star Trek, the element that created science fiction was how they were stuck in a force field that was repeating time. Their outfits also predicted what space people would wear. I didn't enjoy this episode very much because it got annoying when it repeated itself. It was interesting to see all the things that would change from scene to scene but overall it was just alright. It did hold op to the science fiction theory creating a good spacecraft and elements that were cool.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Introduction Dani G

My name is Dani, I love to draw and express myself in a creative way. I also enjoy taking walks only when its warm and scootering through the leaves in the fall. I enjoy swimming when i get the chance. I work at Mellow Mushroom and Jimmy Johns and enjoy doing activities with me co-workers. I like to go see movies, my favorite are comedy. My favorite color is pink but some days it turns to other colors depending on my mood.

My favorite science fiction memory was watching Mars Attacks when I was younger. I would watch that movie all the time and I still never get sick of it. My favorite part was the beginning when all the cows were on fire. Not that I have something against cows but it was the coolest thing I had seen so far for starting out a movie.

Science Fiction to me is creativity and ideas evolving into stories that feel real. I feel that there are so many nonrealistic things created into something that feels like it could actually happen in reality.