Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog #15 Measure of a Man

In this episode of star trek, there were many things to do with Frankenstein Complex. To begin, DATA the robot of board was singled out by many to be questioned his rights. Just because he was a robot therefore meant that he did not have the right to choose whether he wanted to be tested on or not. To me I think it was good that he ended up having the choice because i feel that if there were multiple DATAs then our whole humanity could be whiped out. They showed the amount of strength that he had and that could cause chaos with society. Even though DATA was harmless, he could still feel emotions and desires. I think that if he learned how to feel that he could also learn how to feel anger and pain. Having those human characteristics could cause disturbance with the human race. The more emotions we put into a robot, then the more of a chance they will become the superior race. That's the thing that scares me, even though DATA seems very helpful, i dont understand when we as humans decided that we were incapable to do these things we are building them for. I am afraid that if we keep making these innovations that are destroying the need for humans, then eventually that will happen. We cant blame anyone but ourselves for the insignificance we have on the community now. We are the cause of our own self destruction, the robots wont be causing this, its us that is because we are the minds behind these robots. We have nothing to fear but ourselves and what we can create.

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